


SIZE:W 400 × H 700 mm
WEIGHT : 1,24kg
MATERIAL:Japanese Hemp
PRICE:¥140,000(without VAT)
SKU : YMK2208

Hôjû, the Wish Fulfulling Jewel, is originally a ritual object used within Hindu and Buddhist traditions to symbolize their essential teaching. It is widely used including atop Buddhist pagodas and as a New Year’s decoration. Our bold and majestic hôjû-shimekazari contains three rings in the center that depict happiness and fulfillment spreading like ripples of water. The long vertical lines depict the life force which unites heaven and earth. It is a solemn and profound shimekazari, suitable to invite good powers for the New Year.

For more information please contact us via e-mail or phone.

+81-75-254-7533 (11:00−18:00, closed on Tuesday & Wednesday)